Hey, I teamed up with my cousin Trina and created a dope Self-Care Brand T&M Timeless Vacation, that includes Staycations. After launching our website http://www.tmtimelessvacation.com we launched our very 1st Self-Care Box which was a total vibe. By the way we have a few left on the website along with our Self-Care Merch, check it … Continue reading WE DID A THING

Let a Virtual Assistant help take your business to the next level!

If you're like me, there is never enough time in my day to accomplish all the things on my to do lists for both personal and business. Finding balance is key to be successful, happy and remaining sane. However, honestly the best way I accomplish this is having help. At least with my business. My … Continue reading Let a Virtual Assistant help take your business to the next level!